


Published by everydayfiction.com. Bite-sized stories for a busy world.

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Not Considered

Published by fiveminutelit.com. Five Minutes features micro-memoirs, hundred-word pieces about five minutes in a life.

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Bound for Home

Bound for Home

Vondelpark was the highpoint of the week. Bustling with cyclists, joggers, dog-walkers, and babysitters, it was a welcome reprieve from the tourist-centric sites we had been normally visiting. Absent were the sluggish tour groups, randy teenage boys ogling window fronts in the Red-light District, and marauding engagement parties executing a planned weekend of debauchery.

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Thou Shalt Not Light Up

Thou Shalt Not Light Up

All cigarette smokers are the offspring of Satan. At least, as an eight year old growing up on a farm in the seventies, that’s what I thought.

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