
Published by Fiction on the Go. Click here to read story

If A Tree Falls

“If A Tree Falls” was selected for inclusion in the horror anthology, Happy Hellidays, curated by Theresa Scott-Matthews. Click here to visit Hellbound Books Publishing and purchasing options

Tiny Bubbles

Published by Bite-sized stories for a busy world. Click here to read story

Not Considered

Published by Five Minutes features micro-memoirs, hundred-word pieces about five minutes in a life. Click here to read story

Bound for Home

Vondelpark was the highpoint of the week. Bustling with cyclists, joggers, dog-walkers, and babysitters, it was a welcome reprieve from the tourist-centric sites we had been normally visiting. Absent were the sluggish tour groups, randy teenage boys ogling window...

‘SOAR’ Magazine – Hiding in Plain View

Look past the tourist mainstays of Paris and you will discover a revolutionary spirit very much alive in its street art and graffiti. Click here to download and view article.